So you've finished creating and uploading your content, awesome! Before we can see your apps live on the AppStore Connect and Play Store, there are a few steps that you need to complete:
Add Slug Name
First thing first, let add your slug name. Please go to the Web App section in the MagLoft portal then click Design. Please type your slug name in the App URL field. It's usually your publication title or magazine name.
A lot of the information we need for you to fulfill is in the Store Listing section. Simply go to Mobile App, and then Click Store Listing:
There's a lot of information that's needed to be filled out in this section, however, most of this information is required as we will create and set up your app store listings.
What's the difference between Publication Title and Display Name?
The Publication Title is your publication's name that will show up in the App Stores. Your title should be descriptive and include 1-2 of your most important keywords!
Meanwhile, the Display Name is the short name of your app which will be displayed below your app icon on device home screens. We recommend for the display name to be less than 15 characters as it will otherwise be truncated and displayed with "..."
β"Superyacht Technology News" contains 26 characters and will be displayed as:
It will be better to change the display name to "SuperyachtTech" is less than 15 characters and will simply be displayed as:
Β SuperyachtTech
How many keywords should I add?
Choosing the right keywords is important. We would recommend for you to try and use as many as possible but we have a maximum of 99 characters.
What is the Info Tab Description for?
This is where you put your publication's details as well as your company's information and contact details. An email address should be enough, however, if you can also provide your company's physical address, that would be awesome :)
After that, you will need to provide several links to your Support, Marketing, as well as Terms of Use and Privacy page.
You are also required by Apple and Google to rate your content, and they both will score it based on your ratings.
NOTE: For the Privacy URL and Terms of Use URL, we require our clients to have these terms on their own website and use their own links ( instead of using the MagLoft page as shown above.
In Families Policy, you need to declare which age group is the target for your app. and whether or not you think your app will unintentionally appeal to children. You may require to fill out a form or answer more questions in Google Play if your target group includes children.
If you select that your app may unintentionally appeal to children, there will be a disclaimer: "Not For Children" next to your app description in Google Play.
If Google does not agree with your answer, it may lead to the removal of your app.
Don't forget to upload your app icon and feature graphic. Ensure that your app icon has square edges (not round) and has a solid color background (no transparency).
Next up, you will be asked to select screenshots from your issue. These screenshots are the ones that your readers will see when they browse your publication in the App Stores. 3 screenshots are the minimum requirement, but we recommend for you to pick 5 screenshots to make it perfect!
If you want to use your own images for the screenshots, you can simply enable the option to Custom Images. Check out these links to see how to upload your screenshots to Apple Store, Google Play Store, and Amazon Store.
Once you filled out the Store Listing Information, we will ask for you to provide your Developer Accounts Information. MagLoft now requires our clients to have their own Developer Accounts so their apps can be published under their own account instead of MagLoft's.
To connect your Apple and Google Developer Account to the MagLoft portal, you can simply follow the instructions provided:
If you don't have any of the developer accounts yet but is interested, we've written an easy guide on How to Register for Apple and Google Developer Program :)
The next thing you need to fill out is set up the Subscriptions you want to offer to your readers. This is required if you set up your issues' unlock type as Subscribe and if your app category is Magazine & News.
To set up your subscription, simply go to Sales > App Subscriptions in the portal.
When you add a new subscription, ensure you filled out all the necessary information, such as Duration, Price, Trial Period. You can also choose if purchasing the subscription will simply unlock the latest issue or unlock all of the back issues for the readers.
I have completed everything, now what?
Awesome! You can reach out to us via live chat or email us at to let us know you are ready and we will review your account. We are building your app and it's getting into the app store and play store listing based on the information that you've provided.
How long will that take?
It will take our team 1-2 working days to build your apps before we submit them for review. Once submitted, the Apple and Google team will then review the app. The review period is out of our control as it's entirely done by Apple and Google's team, and typically last from 1-10 working days.