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What is In-App Pages feature?

How In-App Pages works and how to set it up

Okka avatar
Written by Okka
Updated over a week ago

In App Pages is a new feature that can be found on your MagLoft portal. It is only available for our Premium and Professional plan so go a head and upgrade your plan :)

This feature will help you to send your personal messages to your readers when they access your apps. Without a further ado, let's jump to it right away. 

After you login to your account, go to Tools > In-App Pages on the sidebar.

You will see the App Pages menu there and it should be none if you haven't made anything. To create an app page, you need to fill these three boxes below then press Create

  1. Internal Name, it won't be shown on your app. You could name it whatever you want.

  2. Title, this will be shown on your app, precisely at the top of the page. So, maybe you want to make it more creative since it will be seen by your readers as they thumb through your app. 

  3. Trigger, it is pretty obvious. You need to choose one of the options here to make sure what the trigger is best to make the page appears. We will talk more about it later. 

Right after you press Create button, your page will appear there. To edit it or see more details about it, just click on the Eye icon or Details button. 

You will find more informations about the page like the screenshot below :

As for name and title here, it is the Internal Name  and Title we were talking before. So, let's hop on Icon. In this icon menu, you could choose the icon for your page. This icon will be shown on your page. You may leave the page without the icon. It is totally up to you. But if you want to go with the icon, we have several icons to be opted there. 

Let's move on to Trigger. We talked about it a little bit before. Like we said before, it will be the trigger for your page to appear on your apps.

Now, let's talk about it one by one :

  1. On every Launch means your page will appear every time your readers open your app. For this trigger, you may choose on the other options when the page stops appearing.

  2. On first Launch means the page will only appear at the first time your readers open your app after it has been installed. 

  3. On every Launch until Registration, your page will stop appearing when your readers sign up on your apps. 

  4. On every Launch until Issue Downloaded, the page will stop appearing once one of your issues being downloaded by your readers. It will be suitable for the free issues.

  5. On every Launch until Subscription, if your readers subscribed your issues, the page would stop appearing.

  6. On every Launch until Issue Purchase, the page won't appear when your readers purchase one of your issues.

  7. On Subscription means this page will appear right after your readers subscribed your issues. You will have a chance to explain more regarding to your magazine subscription to your readers. 

  8. On Issue Purchase means your page will appear right after your readers purchased your issue. You could write your personal message to your readers, a thank you note would be fine. 

  9. Link from Side menu means you will add your page in your side menu of your apps. 

The next one will be Action menu. It will make you are able to add like a sub menu on the page. It will appear at the bottom of the page. Let's say, we want to add Open Contact Form action to the page then it will appear like the screenshot below.

Every time your readers click on that, they will be directed to send an email for you. It will make them easier to contact you whenever they need it. The rest of the options in the Action menu are pretty clear. 

  • Open Subscription Dialog means your readers will be able to subscribe after they click on the button. 

  • Open Sign-Up Dialog means your readers will jump on the sign up page right after they click on. 

  • Open Sign-In Dialog means your readers will go to the login page instantly after they click on. 

You also will be able to have no action for your page which means there will be no additional menu at the bottom of the page. It will be just your personal message there. 

Go to the next one which is Visibility. It will help you to decide in which platform you want the page appears. It also can be used as active-deactive button for the page. 

You can select all of them if you want your page appears on Apple, Google, and Web app. You are able to select whatever you want. To deactivate the page, just unselect all of them. 

For the last but definitely not the least, is the Contents menu. You can be creative here to create the page. You are welcome to add picture, link, or Youtube video. 

Then, if you don't want to use the page anymore, simply just click on the Delete App Page button.

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