Checking your app analytics on Firebase is really easy. Here are the steps:
Log in to Firebase console:
Find your app.
In this example, we'll use the MagLof Digital Magazines app. Your app should be listed here.Open the Analytics tab. This is where you will find a dashboard with various metrics..
A. Analytics Dashboard
Explore metrics like active users, events, user engagement, and more.
B. Event Logging:
Firebase Analytics allows you to log custom events. Use these to track specific interactions in your app.
C. Conversion Tracking:
Set up conversion events to track important user actions, like a purchase or sign-up.
D. Audiences:
You can set custom user properties to segment your users. This can help understand user behavior.
E. Debug View:
Use the Firebase DebugView to monitor events and troubleshoot analytics issues.
F. Real-Time Analytics:
Firebase Analytics provides a real-time dashboard for instant insights into user activity.
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