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Everything You Need to Know about the Readers CSV File
Everything You Need to Know about the Readers CSV File

How to download your readers list from MagLoft? What do the columns mean?

Okka avatar
Written by Okka
Updated over a week ago

All readers who sign up in the mobile apps or web app along with custom subscribers will be in the Readers list in your MagLoft portal. This list contains a lot of information such as your readers' name, their purchases, and so on. 

You can see all information regarding your readers right here. You can also download the list in the form of CSV file. Please follow the steps below to download the list!

(We blurred some sensitive information)

1. It is assumed that you are already in the MagLoft portal then you can go to the Readers list under CRM section. 

2. Click the Export CSV button right next to the Create button!

3. The CSV file will be downloaded automatically afterwards.
4. Open the file and it will look like this screenshot below! 

5. You can find the description for each column in the following: 

  • Reader ID: It is a unique ID for each reader that is generated automatically by MagLoft system.

  • Email: Your reader's email address.

  • First name & last name: Your reader's name

  • Newsletter: It shows you whether your readers want a newsletter or not. It is TRUE if the readers choose to enable the newsletter and FALSE if they don't.

  • Subscriptions_active: It indicates your readers' subscriptions. It shows TRUE if the subscription is active and FALSE if it is inactive.

  • Subscriptions_start_date: It informs you when the reader's subscriptions start.

  • Subscriptions_end_date: It informs you when the reader's subscriptions end. 

If the subscription is active, no start date indicates the reader has access to all back issues and no end date means the reader has access to all future issues. No start and end date indicates the reader has access to all back issues and future issues. 

  • Subscriptions_source: It informs you where your readers' subscriptions come from. It is IOS if the readers subscribed from Apple devices or Android if they subscribed from Android devices. It is CUSTOM if the readers are manually added by you using Custom Subscriptions or automatically synchronised using MagLoft Wordpress plugin.

  • Purchased_issue: It is the last paid issue your reader purchased.

  • Purchase_date: It is the last time you purchased the paid issue. 

  • Email_confirmed: The TRUE value indicates your readers have confirmed their email or clicked the confirmation link sent to their email and FALSE if they don't.

  • Password: The readers' password. Because it is confidential, the password will always be empty if your readers create an account by themselves in the apps or you are the one who create the password for the readers by adding them in the Readers list and Custom Subscription

If you add a reader in the Readers list or Custom Subscription and leave the password field blank, then you can see the password in the file because MagLoft system will generate one for the reader. It also applies for the subscribers synched from the API or Wordpress plugin. 

  • Sign_in_count: How many times your readers sign into the apps.

  • Last_login_date: The last time your readers do the actual act of logging into the apps.

  • Source: It shows you where the reader comes from. It is STRIPE if the reader purchases paid issues/subscriptions on web app. It is SIGNUP for a reader who creates an account on mobile apps or web app whereas, OPTIN for a reader who creates an account to unlock the optin issue. It is CUSTOM if the reader comes from MagLoft Wordpress plugin.

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