The key pair, also known as the VAPID key, is the public server key provided to push services. It is used to authenticate the push subscribers to receive push messages only from sending servers that hold the corresponding private key.
It is especially useful if you’ve already had push notification subscribers on another solution. It acts as an importer – with this key, you will be able to have your current subscribers receive the same push notifications as your new subscribers from Universal App.
Let us tell you how it works. If you have another provider, you can generate the key pair from your other provider. After that, go to your Firebase account and head to Project Settings > Cloud Messaging. Scroll down to Web Configuration > Web push certificates and you will be able to import the key pair from this section.
Once you’ve completed this step, copy the key. Head back to UA admin, go to Settings > Push Notifications. After you’ve connected your Firebase account to UA admin, you can paste in the key here.
And that’s it! From now on, every time you send a push notification through Firebase, your existing subscribers will get a notification along with your Universal App subscribers.
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