MagLoft Universal App can import your readers list from a Spreadsheet or any CRM that can export your readers to a CSV file format, and works for both readers with and without paid content access or a subscription plan. Here's how you can do it:
Head to CRM > Readers and click on Import CSV.
Drag your CSV or pick it from your directory. Make sure you’re using the CSV format template that we provided. When it's done, click the Confirm button.
The process for importing your reader will start.
It will take some time before your reader’s list gets uploaded into your UA. There will be a preview of the data that will be imported - you will get a success notification (created, updated, no changes) per individual record. If there's any error in the CSV file (invalid date or email address, for example), the system will flag it before proceeding with import. This gives you the opportunity to review your readers list and adjust where necessary.
Now you can import your reader list to your Universal App, so you can analyze some critical information such as:
When did they register as your reader?
When were they last seen reading your content?
If they actively read your content?
If they subscribed to your newsletter?
The Dialog for successful import will show and you can click confirm to end the process.
IMPORTANT! If your CSV file does not contain your readers’ passwords, the system will auto-generate them for you. There will be a one-time option to download the CSV with the generated passwords when you import, so if you’d like to have a record of your readers’ password, this is the only time you can download it. You can use this information as variables in 3rd party email marketing services.
IMPORTANT! Please note when importing a reader list:
We only accept CSV format and you can only import up to 1,000 readers at a time. By default, new readers that are imported will be marked as never logged on and have no last seen date.
To update your reader’s subscription, please complete the changes on your CSV file and re-upload it to your UA.
If you would like to import readers' classification, you first have to have your classification created. Your classification list will also come with an auto-generated ID that will be important for this step.
Please add the Classification ID of the readers you want to import to your CSV templates. To add a classification, insert the ID. If you want to remove a classification, insert minus ( - ) in front of the ID. If you want to add more than one classification for one reader, use a comma between the ID number. When editing the CSV file, do not start with a minus sign ( - ) if there are more than 2 IDs. However, if there is only one ID, it's okay to start with a minus sign (to remove the classification from the readers profile).
Once imported, Universal App Admin page will give you an overview of the list of readers you import. Green indicates the classification readers they are in, while red means that they will get removed from that classification ID.
Take this time to review and adjust accordingly. If it's all good, click import readers, and you have successfully import readers & their classification.
Easy, right? You can also learn how to manage your readers in our CRM here.
Have questions? Feel free to reach out to our live chat at the bottom right corner of your Universal App dashboard or simply send an email to